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The Crosswalk Blues
Anchor 1


Stratified by constellations of

Ice-and-moons, begging

For God’s lovelust song

To orgasmically tear through

Our eardrums, to violate

Us with his star-eyes,

Penetrate us with the clouds,

Our body a gold-winged

Monarch fluttering south

To find love, not cursed

As we truly are, damned

By that hot-flashed-


Crowned in Jesus’ thorns,

Bedecked in Mary’s robes,

Sitting heavy in that chair

In the corner, whispering

The only way to mend

A broken heart is to

Tear it out with your teeth

And so we pray for jaguar claws

And elephant skin to armor

Our fragilities instead of wearing

These nooses of darkness,

Constricting our breath,

Making us burn for the

Pink-flushed dawn

That hides behind our eyes.

Gritty, Baby

5:02 and I’ve burned my tongue again,

black dorm coffee, milkless, bubbling

the roof of my mouth to blisters, and

I can’t help but remember

last week when I saw him at the crosswalk,

surprising us both at our sudden proximity,

awkward, split-second eye contact voicing

that peculiar sense of familiarity-turned-

strangeness that now hangs heavy between us,

his new headphones large like two flattened tomatoes

pressed against his ears, mine the same earbuds

they were freshman year, when we

would meet in the courtyard, mouthing


smiling, so we would still understand each other

over the thump of our music, but right now

I’m remembering last week when

I’m panicking at his sight, my coffee-gloved hand

reaching up to hide my face with the scalding liquid

that I intended to let cool before I was forced to use it

as a shield, a preoccupation, a distraction,

turning from him and sipping frantically,

burning my mouth, spilling it down my coat as he passes,

I hope he didn’t see.

I’m a little gritty, baby

Is that okay?


I yearn for the woods at night,

Where the groan of the winter-

Bone trees slows the beat of my

Unquiet heart


Love paint on my skin,

Sunk into my nailbeds,

Streaking hot beneath my eyes

Like opal tears


Like music deaf-loud,

Hymns thrumming

Like our midnight breath, moaning

Through your bedroom speakers


I dread confrontation, despise

The hollow words that paper my tongue

Too quick, forced to choke them out,

Half-chewed; insincere; meaningless


I want to stand, beaming in the indigo darkness

Of your basement black lights, draw pictures

Onto your stone walls while the cloud of

Purple spray paint settles onto my eyelashes like stardust


I’m a little gritty, baby—

Is that okay?

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